How Betterment News Works

Welcome to the Betterment News page. There are two foundational goals for this venture: for me to regularly continue my own lifelong growth and education as I research for and write these articles; and for you, my reader, to be engaged, inspired, educated or helped by what you read. 

How can I best reach these goals? The first thing is to be consistent in my publishing and the second is to be meaningful in my article's content. 

I will be publishing twice a week, every week of the year, on Tuesdays and Sundays. The Tuesday content will be of a different theme than the Sunday content.

Articles on Tuesdays will often be readable summaries of new, academic research in the fields of psychology, psychotherapy, relationship science and biology. The goal of these articles will be to turn what once would be un-readable academic publications into reading that not only is interesting, but can be immediately applied to your life. 

Articles on Sundays will often be my own explorations into philosophy, religion, theology, ethics or my personal experience. The goal of these articles will be to encourage my own reflection and to spark discussion in the Betterment community and individual readers.

I look forward to writing these articles, reading your comments and building our community together.


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